An External Human Biological System™ (EHBS) is one of the eight BioLogic360 defined human biological systems, capable of BioInterrogation™ through the use of a BioInterrogator™.
These are:

  1. Vaginal
  2. Oral
  3. Cutaneous
  4. Optical
  5. Nasal
  6. Auditory
  7. Throat
  8. Anal


An External Human Biological System™ (EHBS) can be accessed using a BioInterrogator™.

Common Queries and Questions

  1. Why only be concerned with these specific areas of the human body?

Bringing real-world technology to real-world people and obtaining real-world results requires we reach as many people in as many places as possible and they use and accept our solutions. We believe these human systems are the best for use by our technology.