The vision of BioLogic360 is to design, build, implement and support a world-wide system of technology that brings first-world medical benefits to third-world countries, specifically in the detection of Cervical Cancer.

To support this vision BioLogic360 has introduced new, intra-disciplinary, concepts, technologies and systems that are both evolutionary and unique. BioMedical and BioTechnical relationships operating under the BioLogic360 umbrella are designed to find synergy in the Detection, Analysis and Data Warehousing of Cervical Squamous Cell Dysplasia.

The heart of BioLogic360 beats to save lives. Bridging the best of technology, medicine, engineering and not-for-profit outreach is what we do.

To save lives, BioLogic360 has introduced the BioInterrogator™, a  small, portable, safe, reliable and easy-to-use programmable device for human biological, medically-orientated data collection. Global distribution of our devices through approved and supported channels, supports our efforts to reach as many women as possible and ensures the integrity of data collected as accurate and reliable.


Interruptive technology that brings real-world medical results to women's healthcare.


Common Queries and Question

  1. It sounds like a lot of technology. Will this work in third-world locations?

Cervical cancer is the second leading cause of death in women in underdeveloped countries. Think of a BioInterrogator™ in terms of a cellphone. It has globally unique identifiers, software routines, can be controlled from a remote source and connects to a network. If your cell phone is not connected to a network, you can still use your cellphone but in a limited way. A BioInterrogator™ will work regardless of network status. The data a BioInterrogator™ collects is of no value and remains stored internally until connected to a network and uploaded to BioLogic360. If connected to a network while being used, a BioInterrogator™ will return near real-time results, analysis and recommendations.